Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct

  1. All the students shall be under strict disciplinary control. A students is expected to display within and outside the college, respect for orders, morality, personal honors, code of discipline and the right of others. He/she must demonstrate mature attitude and cooperation. Acts of in-discipline and misbehavior shall be severely dealt with and the students indulging in such acts shall be liable to be punished by fines, suspensions or expulsion from the college. The college reserves the right to be the sole judge in all matters relating to disciplinary action.
  2. Parents / Guardians are expected to co-operate with the authorities of the college by all means.
  3. All teachers are accessible at any time for the consideration of difficulties and grievances of the students and will always be pleased to hear them and to give them advice.
  4. Any student breaking or damaging any college/hospital property shall be required to pay the cost of repair or replacement. In case of willful damage he/she shall be punished as the Principal may deem it fit.
  5. Any student desirous of addressing the Principal by letter must do so separately, Joint application are entirely prohibited and will not receive attention.
  6. If a student of the college takes part in any political activity or indulging himself/herself in an unbecoming manner or in such manner as would interfere with the corporate life of educational work of the college, the Principal may take any action, he deems proper or bring him before the college academic council for proper action.
  7. No student shall address a press conference, nor write to the press on the political or related subject or matters concerned directly with the administration of the College, University, National Council for Homeopathy or any government or educational institutions in Pakistan or abroad. No students in the college shall be permitted to have any connection with a private dispensary or a consulting clinic to pose or work as a homeopathic medical practitioner. However, the registered doctors can do so.
  8. Students are not permitted to remain in the lecture room except at the prescribed hours of lecture.
  9. In case of complaint, it will be investigated first by the concerned senior staff proctor. If it is of serious nature it will be forwarded to the disciplinary committee for further investigation and their recommendations will be forwarded to the Principal.
  10. No student is allowed to be in possession of any drugs without a valid reason. Use or possession of Intoxicating substances such as cigarettes, snuff/nasware etc, is strictly prohibited.
  11. No student is allowed to use abusive language at any time. Shouting of slogans derogatory to the prestige of the college and its officers and teachers is strictly prohibited.
  12. Possession of firearms, weapons and explosives is strictly prohibited.
  13. In dealing with any breach of discipline, infringement of the rules and regulations mentioned in this prospectus, the Principal may decide to order appropriate penalty including apology verbal and / or written, withdrawal of scholarship, temporary suspension from the college, fine or expulsion from the college and rustication.


  1. No person shall be invited to address a meeting in the college premises.
  2. No poster or banner shall be put up without the approval of the principal in the college or hospital premises.
  3. No society may be setup by neither the students nor any meeting held in the college premises.
  4. No visitors will be allowed to see students during college timings unless permission of the administrator is taken.
  5. Noise and unseemly behavior is not allowed in the college/hospital premises